[전화영어] 18.11.12. 전화영어 첨삭정리
2018. 11. 12.
전화영어 첨삭정리
Please call me whenever you’re ready.
I attended my cousin’s wedding last week.
Each wedding feels different.
I heard that there’s not much difference between small wedding and the common in price.
My mom gave them money.
Why do people get married?
The day before yesterday.
My cold isn’t serious.
I just have a sore throat.
I don’t have fever or headache or runny nose.
I get confused when I see this word.
I bought lotto tickets, but I didn’t win.
Even though I couldn’t understand everything in the story
There’s no subtitle when I watched it, I sill did. so I’m proud of myself.
What’s the genre that you like?
I like comedy-drama.
I think I will be sitting on my chair while using my cellphone.
In my opinion, finding a job is the most important thing for me to do this year.